Senin, 07 Juni 2010
Professional Hair Color
Professional Hair Color - Our Secrets Revealed
TO GIVE YOU a quick mental lift, to add sparkle to what you may fear is a drab personality, to play down prominent features, or to conceal damage to the hair, one simple remedy is at hand: changing the color of your hair. A professional hair color will do wonders for your self esteem.
Hair color is a cosmetic. Instead of being simply a means of concealing gray hair, as it was once regarded, hair color is now used for many purposes by women of all ages. Some women feel that their natural hair color does not express their true personalities. For them a new, livelier color may not only improve their physical appearance, but their mental outlook. They will feel gayer, more attractive.
For hair that has been damaged, that is faded, dull or limp, adding color is a quick way to make it look healthy and normal. Your hair may have been robbed of its natural color by the pirates that steal the life, luster and natural hue right out of it. Permanent waving can be such a pirate. Other pirates are poor health, inadequate diet, split ends, overexposure to the sun.
Proportions of face and figure can be improved by the use of color. Dark hair makes a big face appear smaller. Light hair makes a small face appear larger. Pale streaks-tipping or frosting-applied above the forehead serve to add length to the face. When applied at the temples, they will make it appear broader, make the eyes appear farther apart.
Sharp features and hard planes can be toned down by a soft hair color. Pale tones help to conceal wrinkles. A prominent nose or jaw line can be counteracted by drawing the viewer's eye upward to a well-designed hairdo in a brilliant color.
While dyeing, as I indicate, has many uses, it is not appropriate for the very young. I do not think that experimenting with color should begin before sixteen at the earliest.
Certain facts should be considered before you decide on a professional hair color. One is that it takes both time and money. If you go to a reliable salon, this means a steady expense. You will have to go every two weeks or so. Touching it up cannot be postponed, because telltale signs at the roots are unattractive. Besides money, this takes time. You will have to be available to have the coloring done as often as needed, all year 'round.
Many women are able to color their own hair at home. If you have the necessary skill and patience to do yours, this is a saving of both money and time.
The color you choose is important. Nature has its own way of blending hair, skin and eye tones. You must take this into account in selecting your new color, especially if you are past your first youth.
A woman with gray or white hair must be careful not to choose too dark a shade. Even though her hair was originally dark, her eyes may have faded and her skin has become sallower than it was earlier. A strong, dark color will be unflattering, showing up lines and making her eyes appear even more faded by contrast.
A somewhat lighter, softened version of the original color is usually best for the older woman. Besides, if her hair is coming in more sparsely than it did, her scalp is more likely to show through when a dark shade is applied.
While you are trying to decide on the color for yourself, seek advice at your local beauty bar. Experienced salespeople and counselors are available at department stores in cities and large towns. In smaller towns the stores often stage special one-week demonstrations, particularly in the spring. Watch your local papers, or ask at the leading store when the traveling demonstrators are coming to town.
Your local beautician may be experienced in hair coloring. Before you take the plunge, you might ask her advice on color. It is to her interest as well as yours that you choose the one that will do most for you
It may be time for you to take the plunge and ask your hairdresser for a professional hair color.(
Find out the other guide on Hair Tips.